How much do you spend on your marketing initiatives? How much is your ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment)? What is your sales right now? Does your sales increased? Why your sales team not in the field but in the office? When is your new product going to launch? When is the competition going to end? Who is your competitors? Check out the following TEN Tips for Successful Marketing Implementation:
1. Have a plan
– i’ve been emphasizing this for many years; in fact my book Marketing Plan Breakthrough S6PEC is addressing this issue; we need a marketing plan. Without plan, we are directionless and we lose money on daily basis. I recommend you to check out my book Marketing Plan Breakthrough S6PEC for FREE Download the Summary.
2. Over communicate
– often when we implement marketing initiatives, only the marketing department busy with all the collaterals, strategies, PR, CSR, campaigns and they donned everywhere in the company as if they (the marketing deaprtment) is the most important department in the world! They are wrong! If you are a marketing manager or business owner, i suggest you to over communicate and start realizing that your job is to make champions from other departments, not the only champion!
3. Price correctly
– this is exception when you are new in the business or launching a new product line that you never had before. For example if you all the while in IT business, suddenly you diverse into restaurant business, chances of getting wrong pricing entry is high. when you already in the business for quite sometimes, try few types and levels of pricing vs your offerings. Try price discrimination.
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4. Talk to your distributors
– having a network of distributors are really cool but if they are not performing why keep it silent? Most of the time, only 20% of your distributors work hard and sell your product. others are dormant or actively selling your competitor’s product. it is hard to have exclusive distributor nowadays unless you have lots of $$$$ incentives to offer. One way to make them love you is to talk to them. make them important and the secret is “give them target and incentify”.
5. It’s the customer, stupid!
– i’ve repeated this many many times. in fact other marketing gurus also said it. Moreover in my recent reading of Harvard Business Review that the role of Chief Marketing Officer is going to be obsolete because now there is a new trend of Chief Customer Officer especially in MNCs. This customer is KING not going to go away for at least the next 50 years! Unless you plan to do business to years from now, let’s focus on the customers!
6. Advertise Advertise Advertise
– i believe in advertising. advertisement allows you to promote, acknowledge, inform and sell about your products and services. for small business owners and entrepreneurs, advertising will make them a little more like celebrity and they rather shy away and be “the background person!”. I learned it from the hard way. I know a self-proclaimed internet marketing guru that set up a Facebook Fanpage on social media but he himself the only fan there! Advertise!
7. The experience
– let’s don’t even think of launching when your product is not ready. Experience lasts forever same as first impression! At least create the plan on how to approach your launch. I recommend you to read my Marketing Plan Breakthrough S6PEC because i cover this section.
8. Budget wisely
– not having budget at all for promotion is sure way to fail. I realized that many small business owners and entrepreneurs too rigid on allocate some money for promotion. Did you ever wonder why a large pool of customers only go to large businesses or retailers? BEcause these large companies put aside $$$$ for promotion and campaigns. But i don’t think we should do the same, but at least we make and show presence in the market. And never accumulate what you spend on your marketing and business, and end up sum it up and said, “i can buy a new BMW with this $$$$ spent on my business!!” wrong thinking my friend!
9. Give time
– when you do something on your business, it takes some time for people to know you. I have set up this blog almost a year ago, coupled with Entreprenovator blog but only recently i got some traffic and have better presence. I also recently launched my book and i am not in a hurry to make money. Because my bigger goal is to democratize knowledge to the masses especially small business owners and entrepreneurs like you. After all my Marketing Plan Breakthrough S6PEC is only USD 24.50 (ONLY USD 19.90 WITH LAUNCHING DISCOUNT!)
10. Corrective plan
– while usually the final point is more soft like “have faith!”, i rather be realistic. we all have faith but we don’t normally have corrective plan. plan down a lot of ‘what if’s” and ‘how about”. Sometimes what we plan don’t turn out to be as planned. But you can only have corrective plan once you started something. otherwise your corrective plan is counterproductive! You follow?
Honestly, the TEN Tips for Successful Marketing Implementation is just the tip of the iceberg of my book Marketing Plan Breakthrough S6PEC, Download FREE Summary. I highly recommend you to spend just USD 24.50 (ONLY USD 19.90 WITH LAUNCHING DISCOUNT) to get your marketing right and at least manageable. What is USD 24.50 (ONLY USD 19.90 WITH LAUNCHING DISCOUNT!)? sure way to manage and get results of your following $$$$ marketing initiatives!! Isn’t that worth the money? 🙂
Buy Marketing Plan Breakthrough S6PEC here. Only USD 19.90 (WITH LAUNCHING DISCOUNT!)
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