Azreena Azizan is a common name in tech and innovation scene in Malaysia. Currently she is attached to CREST – Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science & Technology. She is heading CREST’s Johor office as Program Director. I am proud and honoured to share her viewpoints on Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship held recently. Here’s the edited excerpt:
A decade ago, I started a cafe business. It closed down within a year. Lessons learned was, start small but how small? I used to work in hotels, starting a cafe was small enough. Our menu was good, ingredients sourced from the right suppliers and the cafe was well equipped. Customer research done, nothing could go wrong. Wronged we were.
In Malaysia, there’s so much talk about going green and use of renewable energy (RE) more to meet our electricity and power needs – be it for households, business offices and factories. The most common RE is solar. Other popular RE are wind, biogas, biomass and thermal, hydro – mostly used in large scale operations like plantation and factories.
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