This e-Book idea popped after many years of deliberation on how to make small businesses like is can get access to better knowledge in a well presented manner so it can be consumed and practiced subsequently getting the desired business results. I think small businesses and entrepreneurs are much more humane than big corporate giants, because we are thrifty, know what money can brings and understand the little nitty gritty of what customer wants. Besides, we know our business too.

Nonetheless, many of us probably are too busy with our business until we forget that the world has changed dramatically. Especially in the area of technology, way of doing business, regulation and the customer demographic. As a result some of us wander how to expand our business using other means but don’t know where to start. I can vouch for that, because i was in that group before. So it got me thinking, that i don’t think i am facing this alone. So this Marketing Plan e-Book was born.
My Marketing Plan e-Book is still developing and updating it around 80% now and i hope to finish it by end of the year.
Marketing Plan Breakthrough S6PEC is READY! Buy it HERE (ONLY USD 19.90 WITH LAUNCHING DISCOUNT)
I have done numerous editing and scrutinizing so the information i am going to share with you in my Marketing Plan e-Book is exclusively catered for small business and entrepreneurs like you, and at the same time enough to take your business to the next level (before you meet the big time marketing consultants who probably have never done any business but consulted you on what marketing is!! LOL) 🙂
This is not a scholarly or academia type theses or professorship assignment from any university. This is a no holds barred, no non-sense, straight from many people experience including mine, learnings from busted businesses, insights from thriving small businesses and some best practices from marketing and management thinkers around the world. You may find some of it “heard that before” and some is very refreshing or new.
Examples are taken mostly from emerging Asean businesses such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, China, India and Indonesia to name a few. Some are from the developed economies such as United States and United Kingdom and some from growing Europeans like Brazil and France. You probably not going to see me saying, “this is example from Brazil” because what is important is the learnings and the take home point. So don’t bother looking for that.
One thing about this Marketing Plan e-Book, the content derives from the 2 extremes. One is the strategy that busted the business and another strategies that flourish the business. The busted ones are for all of us to learn and the workable ones we need to practice. However, different customer dynamics may make you frustrated, because some strategies work in Asean countries, but may not work your country. Hey, i will repeat again and again in this Marketing Plan e-Book, that marketing is a repetitive process. You need to change it often and use different tools to know about your customers and how they like to be served.
For example, in Brazil it is common for rambling to the counter for tickets (queueing is a strange concept in Brazil), but if you are in western countries, you will get whacked by the security guard for jump queue! So as a marketer, that types of customers alone is an interesting marketing challenge. Be wise!
To let everyone gets the Marketing Plan e-Book faster so they too can benefit from it and also to pressure the price of Marketing Plan e-Book (its going to be very affordable, i promise!), i will launch and use affiliate marketing and social media such as Facebook and MySpace so you can help me spread it faster. Can you do that for me please? Did someone ask about commission? What is in for me?
Surely there is something for you. I guarantee!! Hey, if you see as a business opportunity, you are not just a marketing man but you are a business man too. Did you know that P.Diddy the singer once quoted that he is not a business man, but he is a business, man!!! 🙂
I will keep you posted and speed up my writing on the Marketing Plan e-Book. Meanwhile, maybe you want to spread around this news so by the time the Marketing Plan e-Book is ready we don’t have to wait too long. Well, just a thought.
You can copy this post to your Facebook and MySpace or your blog or website of any media so it speaks for itself. The more businesses know about this and get the information we will be able to get out from the crisis sooner. Have you heard that “supply determines it’s own demand?”. This was from my previous Economics professor. It means, when the supply is enough and consistent, the demand will slowly emerge. Interesting thought i guess.
Spread it aroud and i will do my part to keep writing, editing and scrutinizing so it will become the most relevant marketing book you ever got and a lot cheaper that the scholarly books. Have you heard, “if it works, why change?”. This Marketing Plan e-Book will share you about this and how-to use it.
I hope to post some tips and preview content about marketing topics such as pricing, product packaging, advertising and market research. I will, just give me some time! 🙂
Marketing Plan Breakthrough S6PEC is READY! Buy it HERE (ONLY USD 19.90 WITH LAUNCHING DISCOUNT)
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